Sunday, January 03, 2016

Kinky Boots

Go see Kinky Boots. It is so much fun!! The music, the costumes, the BOOTS! I spent a lot of the show looking at the footwear. I want a lot of what they were wearing. 

There's also a great message about acceptance and being yourself. There's passion, excitement and sadness. There's humour, unexpected humour too, as an audience member took an extra second to get a joke made by Lola while talking to Charlie about her father. The rest of the theatre was quiet, waiting for the dialogue to continue. This person laughed and the actors were thrown off. Then the whole theatre starts laughing again. It was such a perfect moment. I loved when they broke the forth wall. I loved the actress who played Lauren, she was hilarious!  Also, the slightly shorter blonde Angel, for some reason stood out for me, though all the Angels were amazing. The factory workers, Pat and Lola doing the tango, Don! 

I'm going to stop gushing now. Just go see it

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